WC Alarms (Toilet)

Toilet / WC Alarms

T H WHITE is expert in designing and installing WC Alarms (Toilet Alarms) to British Standards.  These systems allow a distressed person to raise an alarm in the event of an emergency.  We also commission, monitor and service existing systems and provide reactive callout support for business.

Disabled and non-disabled people should be able to find, and use, suitable toilet accommodation as easily as each other. Disabled toilet cubicles should be fitted a with suitable WC Alarm offering the ability to call for assistance if required. The alarms should be waterproof in order to be fitted within wet rooms and shower cubicles as needed.

The alarm pull cord needs to be sited within easy reach and operable from two levels – one near the floor in case someone falls and the second from the ceiling which is freely accessible.  T H WHITE design and install WC alarms to British Standard BS8300.


How they work

To operate a toilet alarm, the user simply pulls the cord of a ceiling pull unit or presses a call point to activate a light, Help Sign and sounder outside the WC (Toilet).  Help is then alerted providing peace of mind to disabled visitors and staff alike.

Systems installed can include a battery backup facility that will continue to power the system for up to 24 hours in the event of mains failure.

T H WHITE offer a range of solutions from single room ceiling pull cords to site wide system with remote monitoring over copper, Fibre, IP and telephone networks.


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To discuss your WC alarm system needs – whether these are installation and maintenance services, call for a quotation today

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